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Recognizing Truth

I recently saw something on the floor and couldn’t figure out what it was until I changed the angle of view that I was looking at it from.

All at once, like the “light bulb” moment, I knew what it was. It was just a balled-up piece of paper, not a weird growing mold. It was harmless. 

Sometimes we need a different viewpoint to see the truth. However, must be careful of what we “look into” and not become entangled in something dangerous. We can help each other recognize both good and bad. That’s how we are supposed to function as the body of Jesus Christ. One person is good with people another is good with numbers, and some are good with children while others are good doing the building maintenance. Together we make a great team. Love is the key and Jesus is our Master key.

We also need to know who God is and what he expects from his people. Studying His word and fellowship with true believers is a good way to know how God wants us to behave. That way when a distorted view or opinion comes our way, we can quickly know the difference.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34.


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