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Just Be Yourself

One day the bluebird was sitting in his comfortable nest, being at peace when he heard this “Tap-Tap-Tap”. He wondered what it was. So, he investigated the sound. He followed the tapping to an old tree and saw this handsome woodpecker tapping his beak on a tree. Now that looked like fun, making cool holes on the side of the trees, and carving out nesting places and hiding spots from the weather. Then he decided to become a woodpecker. 

He studied the woodpecker and followed him around to see what kind of trees he chose to peck on. After a while he decided he was ready to be a woodpecker. He left his peaceful home and headed out to become a woodpecker. 

He found the perfect tree to start on. He landed on the side of the tree just like the woodpecker had done but had a little more trouble than the woodpecker seemed to have had. Then he pecked on the tree. Ouch, that hurts! He tried to tilt his head to the left then the right and still if really hurt when he pecked the tree.

Meanwhile, the woodpecker had been watching the bluebird when he was in his peaceful nest, and decided he wanted to be a bluebird. So, he found the abandoned blue bird nest and settled in. It was very peaceful and calm, but there wasn’t a lot to do. Soon his head seemed empty and needed something to do, what was it? 

He flew around and saw the bluebird banging his beak on a tree, and wondered what he was doing! It was painful to watch, so he headed over to talk to him.

He ask the bluebird what he was doing, because his beak is not meant to peck trees like that. The blue bird looked at him kind of dazed and nursing a headache and answered that he was being a woodpecker. The woodpecker had to laugh at him. Then looked at himself and felt a little ashamed of what he had done, trying to be a blue bird. He confessed that he was trying to be a bluebird. They smiled at each other and had a good laugh. They decided to be who God created them to be. It would be so much easier to be themselves.

For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Romans 12:4-5.

Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:27-28.


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