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From the Balcony

As I Watch from the Balcony

I watched, from overhead, all the activity in the service.

The people seem happy, and seem to enjoy each other’s company,

As I watch from the balcony.

The speaker does a good job of providing helpful ideas on how to live life.

The songs are good, they even cause some emotions to flow.

As I watch from the balcony.

At the conclusion of the service, everyone shares how good the message was.

They talk about how their week went, and their plans for the coming week.

They say, “See you next week.”  Then slowly filter out.

As I watch from the balcony, 

The doors are locked, and everyone is gone.

I tried to remember if anyone looked at me, here in the balcony, even once….

Not one looked my way, no one saw me, looking down on them.

I will stay here and wait, maybe next week, will be different.

Perhaps one person will look up here.

As I watch from the balcony.

When will they realize I am here, waiting.

I long to join the service they are having, to learn about me.

But without me, how can they ever know me?



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