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Author: Karen

  • Growing in Christ

    Mushrooms in the desert???           Or…            Cactus in a cave??? Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it. Because it is. Certain plants live in specific areas for one reason only, so they can grow. Cactus is prickly and mushrooms are squishy. Light and water make the difference here. God creates different environments for each plant and plants automatically know where it’s…

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  • The Time is Now

    Marking the height of a child on the wall is a good way to show growth. A child can’t see themselves grow, neither can we as adults. It’s the same with spiritual growth. Setting goals is important and helps us grow. But sometimes we are distracted by focusing on the future too much, (or remembering…

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  • Clarity in Crisis

    Stopping to fix a flat tire on the road to a highly anticipated vacation can really squelch the excitement. It can even bring anger and resentment which might be directed toward your loved ones who are feeling the same way. Learning to relax in the crisis can help you deal positively with the situation. Maybe…

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  • Finding the Light

    Psalm 85:11 – Truth springs from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven. Ever see the stony ground or pavement with a thin crack in it, and a flower jutting out of that tiny, thin opening? That flower was determined to come through somewhere, to find an opening to break through to the sunlight,…

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  • Trust In God’s Plan

    I woke up at 4:00 AM with this idea and decided to start writing. You know how you drive past a future site of a new complex or company being constructed? The first stages are messy, and there is lots of confusion to the onlooker. The ground is all moved around. Big trucks hauling things…

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