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Author: Karen

  • Keep Moving

    Unless you are moving in a direction, God won’t be able to direct your footsteps. The only way God can steer you in the right direction, is if you are moving. Standing still is ok if you need to rest, but don’t stay there. Even a person walking in the wrong direction can be guided…

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  • I Can Give That?

    We all love the song and story of the little drummer boy. He had nothing to give except his talent of drumming. That pleased the Lord not because it was great drumming, but I think it was because he offered it with a pure heart that wanted to give something, and that was all he…

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  • Recognizing Truth

    I recently saw something on the floor and couldn’t figure out what it was until I changed the angle of view that I was looking at it from. All at once, like the “light bulb” moment, I knew what it was. It was just a balled-up piece of paper, not a weird growing mold. It…

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  • Light Seeds

    The creeping darkness surrounded the people everywhere. No one seemed to notice or care that it was surrounding them. Everyone had their eyes closed. Then one day a birth took place. All the eyes began to open, and people began to see what was happening. One by one they began to see a Light. It…

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  • Distinguishing God’s Voice

    I was walking outside the other day and heard all kinds of different birds. I could recognize only 1 or 2 of them, because I never studied bird songs or sounds. Each one has a distinctive song they sing, and other birds know their own kind singing. In the same way, we must study and…

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  • Just Be Yourself

    One day the bluebird was sitting in his comfortable nest, being at peace when he heard this “Tap-Tap-Tap”. He wondered what it was. So, he investigated the sound. He followed the tapping to an old tree and saw this handsome woodpecker tapping his beak on a tree. Now that looked like fun, making cool holes…

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  • Dead End?

    Sometimes it looks like there is a dead end on the path you are taking. But when you know you are on the right path, you press on. Then, after you have stepped forward, towards what looked like a dead end, do you see the hidden pathway that takes you onward. God has the map,…

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  • Our Strong Tower

    The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10. Nothing on this earth can be trusted except Our Lord Jesus Christ. Things change and time moves forward. We must know Jesus intimately enough to know His voice. He is the Word, and we need to…

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  • Faith + Works

    Two oars are used to row a boat. Both are needed to go in a determined direction. With just one, it goes in circles or drifts off course, and you get nowhere, or end up somewhere you never intended to go. Or you work twice as hard as you need to, by switching the oar…

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  • Finding Encouragement

    David knew rejection and defeat, but he never quit trusting in the LORD his God. 1 Samuel, chapters 29 & 30 is an excellent teaching moment we can all learn from. (Previously David had been chased off by Saul who wanted to kill him, and he joined the enemy.) Then the enemy rejected him because they…

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